Define Core Values to Create a Balanced Life


As a business owner, it’s vital you establish core values to inform others of what’s most important in your business. Remember to balance the core values in your personal and entrepreneurial life to experience:

  • An effective work environment

  • Improved company culture

  • Personal satisfaction

Remember, when defining your core values, focus on both the values and beliefs you want your business and team members to exude and how these values align with your personal experiences. 


What are core values?

Core business values are the ethics or beliefs that govern:

  • You

  • Your business

  • Business processes

  • Team members

Your business core values may leverage experiences from your:

  • Family or friends

  • Personal life

  • Previous work experiences

When re-examining your core business values, enlist the support of a professional business coach. Your beliefs and ethics are essential to the continued success of your business, so you’ll need to ensure that the personal and business core values complement each other.

Types of core values

To balance your core values, start by defining them. Identify at least five to six organizational core values. 

Here are a few to get you started:

  • Authenticity

  • Dependability

  • Determination

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  • Honesty

  • Integrity

  • Professionalism

  • Respect

  • Responsibility

  • Quality

  • Service 

Benefits of core values

There are several benefits associated with defining your core values, which can enhance your business practices and stimulate your personal life. When done correctly, balancing your core values can result in:

  • Decreased employee turnover 

  • Enhanced decision-making processes

  • Increased employee productivity 

  • Positive work environment and culture

Strong core values are the essence of any successful business. If you’re having trouble establishing your core values contact for assistance. 


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